Tag Archives: house of representatives

2009 forged letters from coal industry to Congress

This document collection features a compilation of several letters discovered in 2009 written to members of Congress in  opposition to climate legislation called the American Clean Energy and Security Act, also known as the Waxman-Markey Bill. The letters were forged by a subcontractor to a PR firm hired by the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity […]

1990 Mobil Executive Speech “The Clean Revolution: Its Impact on the Refining Industry”

This document is a speech titled, “The Clean Revolution: Its Impact on the Refining Industry” given by Mobil Executive, J. V. D’Ambrisi in 1990. The speech begins by attacking the “clean air bandwagon” and continues by describing the different “Paths to Clean Air” proposed by the House and Senate. In the speech, D’Ambrisi acknowledges that any […]