Category Archives: Harvard

“Assessing ExxonMobil’s global warming projections” Science, January 2023, Supran, Rahmstorf, Oreskes REFERENCE DOCUMENTS

Below are the Exxon internal documents that were footnoted in the paper “Assessing ExxonMobil’s global warming projections” (G. Supran et al., Science 379, eabk0063 (2023). DOI: 10.1126/science.abk0063) published January 2023. Coverage of the paper was wide: New York Times, Guardian, Associated Press, Politico, LA Times, NPR, CNN, CNBC… Exxon Internal Document References in the paper […]

2008 financial contributions from Exxon to Dr. Willie Soon

This compilation of documents contains contracts and correspondence related to scientist Wei Hock “Willie” Soon, his climate change research and his relationship with the corporate oil industry. Willie Soon’s climate change research has been consistently cited by parties seeking to doubt the human effect on climate change. Coincidentally, documents reveal that Soon received massive funding from the oil industry, especially Exxon, in relation to […]

1984 Exxon Presentation by Henry Shaw on CO2 Greenhouse and Climate Issues

This 1984 document is a presentation by Henry Shaw, a manager with Exxon Research & Engineering’s Technology Feasibility center, regarding “CO2 Greenhouse and Climate Issues.” The presentation is one of many documents from Exxon’s history, demonstrating their active research into and knowledge of anthropogenic climate change and its impacts.  The presentation lists some of the […]