Category Archives: British Petroleum

2000 Letter from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute to ExxonMobil

This document contains a 2000 correspondence between Lloyd D. Keigwin, the Senior Scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and Peter Altman, Exxon’s National Campaign Coordinator. In the letter, Keigwin references his scientific study on ocean warming and the  Sargasso Sea, which was published in Science in 1996. Keigwin asserts that Exxon misrepresented data contained therein, specifically […]

2000 Economist article – “Big business bows to global warming”

An article marking a shift in the chemical and petroleum industry’s acknowledgement of global climate change and its relationship to carbon emissions. The article demonstrates the voluntary measures adopted by industry to mitigate losses on internal rates of return due to carbon-based expenses. Specifically, DuPont stated its intent to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by two-thirds by 2010 compared […]

1997 E&P Forum Position Paper on Sustainable Development in Oil and Gas Industry

This document is a position paper on sustainable development in the oil and gas industry, written by the Sustainable Development Task Force of the Oil Industry International Exploration and Production Forum (E&P Forum) which became the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) in 1999. The E&P Forum was founded in 1974 as an […]

1997 BP Climate Change Speech to Stanford

John Brown, Group Executive for BP America gives a speech at Stanford on May 19, 1997 regarding climate change and how the company will help tackle the problem. Share this post on your feed Twitter Facebook Google+

1996 IPIECA Report on Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP2)

This is a 1996 report on the Framework Convention on Climate Change (“COP2”) for the members of the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (“IPIECA”), a group started in 1974 which serves as the main communication channel between the oil and gas industry and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (“UNFCCC”). Part of […]

1996 API to White House on Greenhouse Emissions

On March 20th, 1996, American Petroleum Institute’s (API) Vice President William O’Keefe followed up with the President’s Assistant for Economic Policy after an earlier meeting. Originally uncovered by The Center for Climate Integrity, O’Keefe’s “Actions to Address Greenhouse Gas Emissions” reflects the precarious position API was in at the time: stuck between acknowledging climate change […]

1996 American Petroleum Institute book “Reinventing Energy”

Responding to the public’s awareness of anthropogenic climate change, American Petroleum Institute’s (API) 1996 “Reinventing Energy: Making the Right Choices,” supported climate denial and argued for inaction. On behalf of its corporate membership comprised of oil majors, API’s interdepartmental team of economists, government affairs staffers, and “strategic communications” experts discussed public health and environmental safety […]