Category Archives: Columbia & Lamont-Doherty Observatory

“Assessing ExxonMobil’s global warming projections” Science, January 2023, Supran, Rahmstorf, Oreskes REFERENCE DOCUMENTS

Below are the Exxon internal documents that were footnoted in the paper “Assessing ExxonMobil’s global warming projections” (G. Supran et al., Science 379, eabk0063 (2023). DOI: 10.1126/science.abk0063) published January 2023. Coverage of the paper was wide: New York Times, Guardian, Associated Press, Politico, LA Times, NPR, CNN, CNBC… Exxon Internal Document References in the paper […]

1993 Mobil Foundation Grant Recommendations For 1994 Budget

In June and July 1993, Mobil’s Research, Engineering, and Environmental Affairs department put together their 1994 foundation grant recommendations. The booklet includes the organization, amount of the proposed grant, purpose of the grant, and details for each grant the “benefits to Mobil.” Here are some telling revelations into how Mobil viewed contributions from its foundation: Mobil […]

1985 Exxon Presentation on Greenhouse Effect Research and Budget

This is a presentation given by Exxon Research and Engineering Company’s Brian P. Flannery, who became one of Exxon’s primary climate researchers after joining the company in 1980. His initial research for Exxon on the relationship between CO2 and climate change confirmed the results that other scientists were finding at the time, predicting that doubling […]

1982 API “Climate Models and CO2 Warming: A Selective Review and Summary”

“Climate Models and CO2 Warming: A Selective Review and Summary” prepared for the American Petroleum Institute by the Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory March 16, 1982. The report includes a discussion on the types of models used to predict anthropocentric climate change. The report also highlights the fact that carbon dioxide concentration has increased since the beginning […]