16 Search Results for: Greening earth society

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1999 Greening Earth Society State of the Climate Report

This 1999 “State of the Climate Report” is a collection of essays on climate change written by noted climate-denying scientists, many of whom have established financial relationships with the fossil fuel industry. The initial essays of the report present arguments that the unusually warm temperatures of recent years are not associated with climate change and […]

Western Fuels Association, The Greening Earth Society

1998 Greening Earth Society Promotional Material

In 1998, the Western Fuels Association (WFA) launched the Greening Earth Society (GES) to counter what it considered an “unnecessary fear among the public” of climate change. The same year as its founding, GES published a report titled, “The CO2 Issue,” along with the film, “The Greening of Planet Earth Continues.” The film was a sequel to […]

The CO2 Issue, Greening Earth Society, Western Fuels Association

1998 Greening Earth Society Report “The CO2 Issue”

The Greening Earth Society (GES) was created by the Western Fuels Association, a consortium of coal suppliers and utilities, in 1998 to counter what it considered an “unnecessary fear among the public” of climate change. The same year as its founding, the GES published this report, The CO2 Issue, to provide what they deemed to […]

Western Fuels Association, The Greening of Planet Earth, Climate Change

1998 Western Fuels Association “The Greening of Planet Earth Continues”

This is a transcript of the short film “The Greening of Planet Earth Continues” released by the Greening Earth Society, as a follow-up to the 1992 film titled “The Greening of Planet Earth.” The Greening Earth Society was a non-profit front group created by the Western Fuels Association to advocate about the environmental impact of CO2 and fossil fuels […]

Western Fuels Association, The Greening of Planet Earth, Climate Change,

1992 Western Fuels Association “The Greening of Planet Earth”

The 1992 video, “The Greening of Planet Earth,” was produced by the Institute of Biospheric Research (IBR) with funding from the Western Fuels Association (WFA). IBR President and climate change denier Sherwood Idso was heavily featured in the film. The production claimed that increased levels of CO2 would cause a “greening of planet earth,” a positive […]

Weather Denial Documents

Below is an annotated collection of documents gathered through the years amassing evidence of corporate efforts to deny the connection between climate change and extreme weather events.   There are two major blocks of evidence: They knew climate change would cause extreme weather: Corporate entities “knew” extreme weather would be an impact of anthropogenic climate change. […]

1998 Imperial Oil Article: “A Cleaner Canada” by Robert Peterson

This 1998 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is an article in the “Imperial Oil Review” written by Robert Peterson, who served as chairman of Imperial Oil until 2002. This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. […]

Western Fuels Association, Greening Earth Society, Climate Science Denial

1998 Western Fuels Association Annual Report

The Western Fuels Association (WFA), a consortium of coal utilities and suppliers, released its 1998 annual report with a clear focus on its newest project, The Greening Earth Society (GES). According to WFA, the GES was created to “convince Americans that warm is good, cold is bad; using more fossil fuels benefits everyone; and by […]

1996 GCC “The IPCC: Institutionalized ‘Scientific Cleansing'” Memo, Corresponding Media and Open Letters

These documents reflect the Global Climate Coalition’s (GCC) aggressive attack on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) process – targeting Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Dr. Ben Santer through a coordinated communications and media campaign. These documents were provided by Dr. Santer. The industry-funded GCC opposed greenhouse gas regulations through direct engagement and collaboration with […]

1996 Global Climate Coalition Science and Technology January and February Meeting Materials

The Global Climate Coalition’s (GCC) Science and Technology Assessment Committee’s (STAC) January 1996 meeting minutes were submitted along with other STAC papers during discovery in Green Mtn. Chrysler Plymouth Dodge Jeep v. Crombie and Central Valley Chrysler-Jeep, Inc. v. Witherspoon. Covered in part by The New York Times in 2009, the full set is available […]

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