Category Archives: American Enterprise Institute

2014 Fred Singer “Merchants of Doubt” Emails

This is a leaked email from climate denialist Fred Singer to bloggers, scientists, peers, and public relations experts regarding the release of the documentary “Merchants of Doubt,” which profiles Singer (along with many of the people to whom he sent this email) as part of the network of climate change denial and legislative delay on […]

2010 Michaels CNN Interview Admitting Funding from Oil

This is an excerpt of a 2010 CNN interview with Cato Institute’s Director of Center for the Study of Science, Patrick Michaels. The interview reflects his admission  that roughly 40% of his research funding came from the oil industry. Zakaria: Let me ask you what people wonder about you, about advocates like you. you know, […]

2007 Transcript of Glenn Beck’s “Exposed: The Climate of Fear” on CNN

This is the transcript of an hour-long “special report” edition of Glenn Beck’s Headline News show on CNN, aired May 2, 2007 and titled “Exposed: The Climate of Fear.” The show, which Beck proclaimed would present “the other side of the climate debate,” features many prominent industry-funded climate skeptics such as Patrick Michaels, John Christy, […]

2006 Invitation for “Strategic Discussion Regarding the Clean Air Act” Sponsored by Heartland Institute

This memo outlines an invitation from the Heartland Institute to representatives of groups including ExxonMobil, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and the Cooler Heads Coalition, to discuss “public policy challenges related to the Clean Air Act.” The Heartland Institute, a free market think-tank which has been a prominent promoter of climate skepticism and denial, received at […]

1997 Climate Change Debate between Patrick Michaels and Alan Robock

This is the transcript of a moderated debate between Alan Robock, a climatologist from the University of Maryland and Patrick Michaels, a climate change skeptic with long standing financial ties to the fossil fuel industry. The topic of the debate was “Must We Act Now To Avert a Climate Catastrophe?” and was part of a […]

1982 “Evolution of Mobil Public Affairs Programs” Report

This “Evolution of Mobil’s Public Affairs Programs 1970-1981” report outlines oil major Mobil Corporation’s public affairs (PA) strategy to influence opinion leaders and the public through their advertorial program, media blitzes, and think tank collaboration. First released on Amy Westervelt’s podcast Drilled, and featured in her Washington Post editorial, this document further elucidates how the fossil fuel industry convinced media […]