Category Archives: Esso

1976 Imperial Oil Paper on a Corrosion Mitigation Program for the Redwater Oilfield

This 1976 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a paper presented by employees of Esso Chemical Canada and Imperial Oil Limited regarding a program for corrosion mitigation for the Redwater oil field. This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow […]

2006 Letter From the Royal Society to Esso UK Limited

Letter from the Bob Ward at the Royal Society to Nick Thomas, Director of Corporate Affairs of Esso UK Limited discussing misleading messages about the science of climate change from Exxon and Exxon-funded organization. Share this post on your feed Twitter Facebook Google+

2004 Imperial Oil Report to Shareholders: 125 years of Energy Leadership

This 2004 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is an annual report to shareholders of Imperial Oil, Ltd. This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. The report discusses Imperial’s growing investment in tar sands exploration and […]

1998 Imperial Oil Article: “A Cleaner Canada” by Robert Peterson

This 1998 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is an article in the “Imperial Oil Review” written by Robert Peterson, who served as chairman of Imperial Oil until 2002. This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. […]

1996 Exxon’s Brian Flannery speech on “Global Climate Change”

In September 1996, Exxon Research and Engineering Company’s Brian Flannery delivered a presentation to Exxon subsidiary Esso Italiana titled “Global Climate Change.” A part of a larger collection released by Jelmer Mommers of De Correspondent in a trove of internal oil and gas industry documents, this document shows Flannery’s denial of climate change science, doubt […]

1995 Imperial Oil Letter from Robert Peterson to Canadian Government Regarding the UNFCCC

This 1995 document from Imperial Oil, Exxon’s Canadian subsidiary, is a letter from Robert Peterson, Imperial’s Chairman and CEO, to then-Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chretien, regarding the first meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. In the letter, Peterson frames the Framework Convention on Climate Change to be “as much, or […]

1993 Imperial Oil Issue Summary of Global Warming and Climate Change

This 1993 document from Imperial Oil, Exxon’s Canadian subsidiary, is an “Issue Summary” of global warming and climate change policies.  The summary notes that while the “Federal government made an early commitment to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions…measures to achieve remain incomplete.”  Of particular interest in this summary are its references to a potential carbon tax, […]

1992 Imperial Oil Environmental Reference Manual

This 1992 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is an “Environmental Reference Manual” to guide “environmental risk reduction strategies, options and methods.” This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. The document primarily focuses on challenges related […]

1991 Imperial Oil Report: Potential for CO2 Reductions From Additional Energy Efficiency

This May 1991 document from Imperial Oil Ltd, the Canadian subsidiary of Exxon, is a report on “The Potential for CO2 Reductions From Additional Energy Efficiency.” This document is part of the ClimateFiles Imperial Oil document set, gleaned by DeSmog researchers from the Glenbow Imperial Oil Archive Collection. This report is part of a series […]